Saturday, June 4, 2016
Department of Editorial
Information Manager - Jaya Lalwani & Ankita Daga
All the detailed information and queries were handled by our Information Managers. They were the first face who dealt with the public. They assisted and guided the people. They managed the event's arrangement and planned it well.
Promotion Manager- Aayushi Sharma
The credit behind regulating and promoting the Alok Art Fest goes to our Promotion Manager. She spreader and promoted the event through all kind of social media and virtual platform. She was throughout there to reach audience and tell them about the event
Coordinator – Aanchal Rathi
She coordinated and assisted trainer and helped a lot by keeping in mind all the need and requirements and assisting by providing help in completing task with full efficiency and effectiveness.
Virtual platform
Facebook: Alok art workshop, 66% response rate, 200 likes in 2 weeks. Uploading posters on Instagrm
Instagrm: Alok art gallery: Alok art workshop, 56% response rate
Twitter: Alok art gallery: Alok art workshop, 60% response rate
Some peoples follow on insta and twitter.
Everyday photos of learners, their skills and art work posts regularly.
Alok Art fest Season- One (एक्सपेरिमेंटल आर्ट फेस्टिवल आज से शुरू)
दो दिवसीय प्रोफेशनल एवं एक्सपेरिमेंटल आर्ट फेस्टीवल आज दिनांक 29 । 05 । 2016 रविवार को विधिवत् रूप से शुरू हुआ ।
सुभाष नगर स्थित आलोक आर्ट गैलरी के तत्वावधान में आयोजित दो दिवसीय आर्ट फेस्टीवल में परम्परागत आर्ट के साथ बदलते परिवेश एवं देशकाल वातावरण से समायोजन बिठाते हुवे मॉडर्न, प्रोफेशनल एवं एक्सपेरिमेंटल आर्ट के विविध आयामों को छूते हुऐ लोक उपयोगी आर्ट पर मंथन के साथ ही आर्ट की बारीकियों से प्रशिक्षुओं को अवगत कराया ।
यह जानकारी आलोक आर्ट गैलरी के निदेशक सौरभ भट्ट ने विज्ञप्ति में दी ।
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आर्टिस्ट सौरभ ने इस फेस्टिवल में मास्टर ट्रेनर का किरदार निभाया, वहीं दूसरी ऒर देश भर से जाने माने आर्टिस्ट इस फेस्टिवल में शिरकत कर मॉडर्न आर्ट के गौरव, लोक उपयोगिता सहित इसकी वर्त्तमान आवश्यकता की जानकारी भी दी ।
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय आर्टिस्ट कलाविद रमेश गर्ग सहित देश के अन्य हिस्सों से आर्टिस्ट इस फेस्टिवल में पहुँचे ।
Forthcoming events:
Alok Art fest Season Two - Senior Artist Camp for 5 days
Alok Art Fest Season Three - Photography workshop for 3 days
Alok Art Fest Season Four - 3D Clay Modelling for 5 days
Workshop Schedule
Day One - 29 May 2016
The workshop was started on 9 am. Workshop Mentor Mr. Saurabh sir gave them knowledge about the different techniques of drawing and then the pears assessment or self evaluation of learners. From this the students learnt about. How to connect with themselves, Express thoughts, Selection process of a thought, Colour applications, Textures techniques, Primary colour wheel, Secondary colour process, 100 percent colour matching, Object observations
Workshop Schedule
Day Two - 30 may 2016
1. Workshop started at 9 am to 2 pm
2. Motivational lectures by Workshop Mentor
3. Live demonstration on how to create an art work with type of arrangement
4. How to apply oil pastels colours
5. Colour combinations
Workshop Schedule (End of the Day - 31 may 2016)
1. Workshop started on 9am to 2 pm
2. Interview with Kalavid Ramesh Garg taken by Ayushi Sharma
3. Live demonstration by Kalavid Ramesh Garg
4. Mr. Saurabh Bhatt aware about the artist profile 10 attributes
5. Certificate ceremony by Kalavid Ramesh Garg
6. Feedback about workshop